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Re: Page 133

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:28 pm
by gjjgames
This one threw us for a loop because:
The birth years of the Father and Mother were three digits, so we were looking for a year that could have 1000 subtracted and still be four digits. It turns out that the last number is the full year, not 1000 less than the year.

Re: Page 133

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:30 pm
by Porscha
I liked the puzzle, but I have 2 unsorted things:
Why the 1000 are removed from the years of Einstein and Lavoisier and why if I was a 89 years old granny, my answer as a sum 879 + 758 + 1933 = 3570 would not be accepted, because the birth years of Me starts from 1935 if I managed to count it correctly

Re: Page 133

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:38 pm
by Eeeedward209
So we have to guess his year of birth and add the numbers together and keep trying till it works?

Re: Page 133

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:30 am
by jimmyags
Yeah, this puzzle is broken. Porchsa and gjjgames both had the same issue I did. This was one of the easier puzzles and then once you get to the wrong answer a methodology must be offered because the third of the two items doesn't appear to meet any pattern based on the first two.

Re: Page 133

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:54 am
Puzzle is not broken. :idea:
I feel like I am giving to much away but, take the two missing numbers from the mother and father, add them together and thats the first number for me

Re: Page 133

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 6:42 am
by stroevey
Sorry, but I still can't get the final answer.
I understand the birthday link, but can't find Dimitris date/ don't get 'me' link.
As we will need 133 in future, I'm stuck.
Anymore hints? (I even took me = 133)

Re: Page 133

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 4:05 am
by stroevey
D'oh ... I feel so dumb. It helps if you put your guess in the right puzzle (I was on wrong page on my phone, hence the incorrect responses)
For anyone still trying - when were you born?

Re: Page 133

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:04 pm
by Bobski
Found this one pretty easy, but:
you have to use the right search term.
Spoiler alert: these are still hints.
First number:
When was he born?
Second number:
When was she born?
Third number
When was he BORN? (Not his age)

Re: Page 133

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:10 am
by Tallis
This puzzle is takes an intuitive leap or two and an outright act of faith to solve -lol. Below are graded hints leading to the solution, which is a four digit number. It assumes you know keys 129-130. If you don't know them don't continue.
The first line is 'father of relativity'. Googling that will tell you it is Albert Einstein, who developed the general theory of relativity. The number 879 relates to him somehow. Read a little bit about him on Wikipedia to find it.
Einstein was born in 1879. . . 879.
The second line is 'mother of chemistry'. Googling that will tell you it is Marie Lavoisier. Like Einstein, what would her number be?
Lavoisier was born in 1758. Her number for the puzzle is 758.
The last line is simply 'Me'. Don't get befuddled here--just go with it. What is YOUR birth year? Enter in all 4 digits.
And the final clue and answer is below. Do not click if you do not want to know the answer.
Add 879 + 758 + your birth year. The total is the answer to the puzzle. As you may guess, there are multiple correct answers for this puzzle depending on who is doing it.