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Re: Page 19

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:39 pm
Bri.sparrow wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:32 pm Hey! I believe I have the sequence down; however, I'm having some trouble with the adding. I keep getting the same number, but it's not right. I just need help with the second part of this riddle, because it's kicking my ass.
"Language!" -Steve Rogers :lol:

Re: Page 19

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:07 pm
by Pumpkin564
First clue: there are three distint sections-left, middle, right. The picture is irrelevant.

Second clue: each section has a different numeric value. The numeric value for the left section can be calculated using the first letter of key 17, the first letter of key 18 and 17.

Third clue: The numeric value for the right section can be calculated using the last letter of key 17, the last letter of key 18 and -14. The left numeric value, the right numeric value and the middle numeric value are an ordered sequence.

Fourth clue: letter value of key 17 + numeric value+ answer value = letter value of key 18, follow instructions for ALL the answer values.

Fifth clue: add the 8 answer values

Sixth clue: answer values in order are 17, 21, 15, 15, -9.......

Re: Page 19

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:53 pm
by Mandyvanderwilt
I've had the answer written down almost immediately. :( but the answers here threw me off and I've spend literally hours solving this with crazy maths, it's really not that deep 😁 I understand there's a lot of ways to do this, but all I say is you don't need to do all this difficult stuff.

Re: Page 19

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:45 am
by L.E9128
bljubljek wrote: Sat May 20, 2017 3:58 am
So, write down the english alphabet on a paper. Now give the numbers to the letters, a=1, b=2.... now write the key 17 word on the top of the page and word from key 18 on the bottom of the page. Now you look at the first letter on the top , that is the first letter of key 17, and take the paper where you wrote your alphabet, now take a look what happens when you start counting from the first letter of the key 17 to the first letter of the key 18. It might be not the acctual difference your brain is used to, but this set the rules. So this is now your rule. Make the same with the last letters in key 17 and key 18, so you will understand what the number -14 means. Make that for all 8 letters now and there you have it. Obviously it is a number you are searching for, check the bottom of the page - add them.
This literally reminded me of when I was struggling with math in all of my math classes... Like... Math is such a damn trip. It's mind blowing, frustrating, but then you love it at the end because you realize it really wasent that hard, all you had to do is pay attention to detail lmao which I CLEARLY don't do. Math is a riddle within itself 🤔

Re: Page 19

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:34 pm
by tommyinportland
:roll: can someone just give me the answer already I suck at math I can't go on please please please

Re: Page 19

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:54 pm
by RebekahJP
Never mind. I was trying to enter the answer for page 19 on the form for page 17. Lol

Re: Page 19

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:49 pm
by DragonFinder1st
A to S is 17 letters apart. C to Y is 21 letters apart. C to S is 15 letters apart. E to T is is 14 letters apart. N to E is -8 letters apart. T to M is minus 6 letters apart. O to i is minus 5 letters apart. R to C is minus 14 letters apart.........
add them up and the answer is?

Re: Page 19

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 3:45 am
by Pixiegir1
Write the letters from Key 17 word in boxes at top
Write the letters from Key 18 word in boxes at bottom
A vertical line connects each top letter with bottom letter
Try to work out how "17" written on 1st vertical line could connect the two letters, do same for "-14" on the last line
Once you have worked that out, use the same method to work out the numbers to write on the other vertical lines
Then as clue at the bottom of page says - "add them"

If want to see how "17" connects letters at the top/bottom of 1st vertical line, & same for "-14" last line - click spoiler.
If correct keywords written in top/bottom boxes:
1st letter at top will be "A", 1st letter at bottom "S",
& number "17" on the vertical line connecting them.
Last letter at top will be "R", last letter at bottom "C",
& number "-14" on the vertical line connecting them.

Number = Number of letters BETWEEN top & bottom
(not inc top/bottom letter, just counting letters between)
If top letter comes before bottom in alphabet (like 1st line) you're counting forwards so get positive number,
But if top letter comes after bottom in alphabet (like last line) counting backwards so get a negative number

If need a visual to help count:
Write the alphabet A-Z on a single line on some paper

Count the number of letters BETWEEN letter "A" & "S"
Don't count "A" or "S" - only count letters inbetween.
You'll be counting forwards & so should count "17"

Count the number of letters BETWEEN letter "R" & "C"
Don't count "R" or "C" - only count letters inbetween.
You'll be counting backwards & so should count "-14"

Use same method to work out the numbers for all other vertical lines. Then add them up to get the answer.

(A different method to work out number for each line is:
Assign numbers for each letter of top/bottom words reflecting position in alphabet (a=1 b=2 c=3 etc)
Then for each line do sum: bottom number - top number
If result is a positive number, deduct 1, if negative add 1
This will give you number to write on the vertical line e.g.
1st line bottom number would be 19 (S), & top 1 (A)
19-1 = "18" -1 = "17"
Last line bottom number would be 3 (C), & top 18 (R)
3-18 = "-15" +1 = "-14" )
If still stuck & you want to know all the missing numbers for the vertical lines between "17" & "-14" - click the spolier
The numbers you should have for each connecting line:
17, 21, 15, 14, -8, -6, -5, -14
Add them together to get the answer

Re: Page 19

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:10 am
by Tricky
This was insanely frustrating even with the spoilers. I kinda hate that I had to look at this forum…feeling all sorts of emotions.

Especially given how lame Page 10 answer was….ugh.

Really just posting in solidarity that I couldn’t do this book without spoilers :(

Re: Page 19

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:39 am
by Pam266
I thought the key for 17 was Mars and 18 Infinity